الاثنين، 23 مايو 2011


photoshop8me.zip: "photoshop8me"

الاثنين، 16 مايو 2011

طريقة اضافة تبويب مرحبا (welcame) شرح بالتفصيل

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

من اهم الشروح و لذا نحتاج الى تدقيق بالتفاصيل فقد حرصت على الاختصار والتبسيط
الامر الذي قد يخل بالشرح
ففي حال كان لديكم استفسار يمكنكم طرحه هنا او في قسم الاسفسارات

في هذا الموضوع نشرح طريقة عمل ]تبويب في صفحتك على facebook
مع تصميم صفحة

نبدأ بالدخول الى حسابنا في الموقع
ومن ثم ندخل الرابط التالي (اضغط هنا )
وهذا الرابط خاص بالتطبيق Static FBML
وستظهر الصفحة التالية نضغط فيها على اضافه الى صفحتي

بعد ذلك نقوم بتحديد الصفحة التي نرغب بتحديد التطبيق لها

نضغط على زر اضافة الى الصفحة ومن ثم اغلاق
نعود بعد ذلك الى الصفحة ونضغط على تعديل الصفحة
بعد ذلك نضغط على تطبيقات من القائمة الجانبية

وستظهر لنا صفحة التطبيقات
ننزل الى التطبيق الاخير FBML
ونضغط على الذهاب الى التطبيق

عندها ستظهر لنا صفحة خالية للتطبيق

نقوم بكتابة اسم التبويب ونضع الكود الذي تم تصميمة للصفحة
ونضغط على زر حفظ التغييرات

Facebook Markup Language (FBML)

Facebook Markup Language (FBML)

We are in the process of deprecating FBML. If you are building a new application on Facebook.com, please implement your application using HTML, JavaScript and CSS. You can use our JavaScript SDK and Social Plugins to embedded many of the same social features available in FBML. While there is still functionality that we have not ported over yet, we are no longer adding new features to FBML.

FBML enables you to build Facebook applications that deeply integrate into a user's Facebook experience. To use JavaScript within FBML, use FBJS.


Displays a discussion board with a unique identifier.
Renders a button that lets a user bookmark your application so a link to your application appears on the user's profile.
Enables your users to initiate Facebook Chat with their friends from within your applications.
Displays a set of comments for a unique identifier.
For a group of fb: tags contained within an fb:switch tag, the fb:default tag renders any content inside itself if no other fb: tag inside the fb:switch tag renders code before it.
Handles the else case inside any fb:if, fb:if-* or fb:is-in-network tag, and with age and location restricting tags.
Renders an application-specific News Feed, which displays recent application stories about the logged in user's friends.
Renders a predictive friend selector input for a given person.
Inserts appropriate Google Analytics code into a canvas page.
Only renders the content inside the tag if value tag is set to true.
Displays the enclosed content when more than one actor is involved in a Feed story.
Renders a multi-friend form entry field like the one used in the message composer.
Inserts appropriate Quantcast code into a canvas page.
Randomly chooses an item inside the tags based on the weights provided.
Contains code to be output when selected by the fb:random tag.
Evaluates every fb: tag inside and returns the first one that evaluates to anything other than an empty string.
Creates a type-ahead tool (as suggested) that will give you the results that you specify.
This tag specifies the values for a typeahead form input.
Displays the contents wrapped inside the tag to the specified user-agents.


Prints the specified event name and formats it as a link to the event's page.
Prints the specified group name and formats it as a link to the group's page.
Displays the enclosed content if the logged in user can see the specified what attribute of the specified user.
Displays the enclosed content only if the logged in user can see the photo specified.
Displays the enclosed content only if the specified user has accepted the terms of service of the application (that is, authorized your application).
Displays the enclosed content only if the specified user is friends with the logged in user.
Displays the enclosed content only if the specified user is a member of the specified group.
Only renders the content inside the tag if the viewer is one of the specified user(s).
Displays the enclosed content only if Facebook has verified the current user.
Renders the name of the user specified, optionally linked to his or her profile.
Turns into an img tag for the specified user's or Facebook Page's profile picture.
Renders a pronoun for a specific user.
Hides the content enclosed in this tag from any user who is blocked by the user whose uid is referenced in fb:user.
Returns the status of the user specified by uid.

Notifications and Requests

Renders the application name.
There are actually two versions of this button - the full version and the condensed version.
There are actually two versions of this button - the full version and the condensed version.
Specifies a button to be shown at the bottom of a request on the user's requests page.
Creates a form that sends requests to the selected users.
Creates a button that submits an fb:request-form.

Platform Internationalization

Renders a date.
Contains the value of an attribute of an FBML tag.
Marks a string of English text as translatable into other languages.
Contains an attribute that replaces a token (variable) in the text of an fb:intl tag.
Renders an HTML tag.
Contains the value of an attribute of an HTML tag specified by fb:tag.
Contains the body (contents) of an HTML tag specified by fb:tag.
Sets the title of the browser window to the content within the tag.


This tag is deprecated, since if- tags are no longer allowed on profile pages.
Displays the enclosed content only if the specified user has added the application to their account.
Prints the specified network name.
Specifies content of the email body for a notification sent with the notifications.send call.
Specifies content of a notification that appears on a user's Notifications page.
Specifies the content of the email subject line for a notification sent with the notifications.send call.
Renders a link on the user's profile under their photo (such as "View More photos of..").
Displays a Rock the Vote & CREDO Mobile registration widget inline in your application.
Prints the specified user's full name linked to their profile along with their network, optionally (as is normally displayed on the Wall, for example).
Displays the enclosed content only if the viewer has added the application to their account.
Only displays the content inside the tag if the viewer is the specified user.

Status Messages

Renders a standard Facebook error message.
Renders a standard Facebook explanation message.
Renders the heading text for an error, explanation or success message.
Renders a standard Facebook success message.

Renders a Create button for adding user-generated content.
Renders a standard Facebook dashboard header.
Renders a standard Facebook title header.
Specifies the header title for a fb:mediaheader.
Renders a help link.
Renders a standard media header, intended mainly for displaying content contributed by a particular user.
Specifies an action link to be displayed inside a fb:mediaheader when the viewer is the owner of the content
Renders a standard Facebook tab.
Renders a group of standard Facebook navigation tabs.


Emulates the look of a wall environment.
Renders a Wall-style post.
Displays a link at the bottom of a wallpost (even if it appears before other text within the fb:wallpost tag).

Visibility on Profile

Restricts content to users who are age 18 or older.
Restricts content to users who are age 21 or older.
Lets you tailor the enclosed content to display to specific ages, locations, or content types.
Displays the enclosed content only if the viewer has granted full permissions to the application.
Use this tag to display the content inside the tag on a user's or a Facebook Page's profile only if the viewer is a friend of that user or is a fan of that Facebook Page.
Use this tag to display the content inside the tag on a user's profile only if the viewer is a friend of that user.
Displays content inside only if the viewer of the profile matches the profile owner.


Renders a link, usually for navigational purposes.
Renders an Add to Profile or Add to Info button (depending upon which section attribute you specify) on an application's canvas page.
Renders the content wrapped within this tag on an application canvas page if the user hasn't added a condensed profile box or info section to her profile.
Renders the content contained by the tag only if the profile box is in the narrow column of the profile.
Renders an anchor tag around the internal content pointing to a profile with the application's Publisher preselected.
Defines the subtitle for the profile box.
Renders a single cell of a table, which contains a thumbnail and name for a particular user, similar to the Mutual Friends table on profile pages.
Renders a table, each cell of which contains a thumbnail and name for a particular user, similar to the Mutual Friends table on profile pages.
The enclosed content appears only when profile box is in the wide column of the profile.


Renders a button that lets a user add your application or site's application tab to his or her profile
This tag serves two purposes.
Prints the version of FBML currently in scope.
This tag renders a block of FBML into an FBML block variable instead of rendering it on the page.
For apps that can be added to Facebook Pages, this adds a standardized edit header for canvas pages so that the Page owner can easily jump to their Page's app configuration.
Redirects a user's browser to a new URL within the Facebook canvas.
Fetches and renders content (like FBML or JavaScript) from a given ref source onto your canvas pages.
Renders the FBML on a Facebook server inside an IFrame.
Renders the date and time in the user's time zone.
Sets the page's <title> tag to its contents.

Editor Display

Creates a form with two columns, just like the form on the edit-profile page.
Renders a button of type submit inside an fb:editor tag.
A container for one or more fb:editor-button tags, which are rendered next to each other with some space between each button.
Renders a Cancel button inside an fb:editor tag.
Allows you to put any content into an fb:editor block, as long as it is valid FBML.
Creates two drop down list boxes that let a user select a date.
Renders a horizontal line separator in the column containing the form elements.
Creates a form selector element displaying the month.
Creates an <input> of type text.
Creates a <textarea> element.
Creates a series of form selector elements showing the time in hours and minutes, and an AM/PM indicator.

Embedded Media

Renders a Flash-based FLV player that can stream arbitrary FLV (video/audio) files on the page.
Inserts an <iframe> tag into an application canvas page; you cannot use the
Renders a Flash-based audio player.
Renders a Facebook photo.
Renders a Microsoft Silverlight control.
Renders a Shockwave Flash (SWF) object.


The fb:dialog tag displays a lightbox-type dialog box when a user clicks on some element.
Renders a button for the fb:dialog popup.
The fb:dialog-content tag is a child of fb:dialog and represents the content that gets displayed inside the popup dialog when it appears.
fb:dialog-title is a child of fb:dialog and renders a title for what is displayed inside the popup dialog.

Additional Permissions

Renders the content of the tag as a link that, when clicked, initiates a dialog requesting the specified extended permissions from the user.

Social Plugins

Displays a Comments Box on a Facebook Connect site or in an IFrame application.
Use this tag to render a Live Stream Box social widget on your FBML canvas pages or Facebook Connect sites.

Message Attachments

Renders a link in a message attachment that, when clicked, replaces that attachment with newly fetched content.


Renders a CAPTCHA on your canvas page inside of a form.
Creates a JavaScript submission mechanism for a form, which makes image or text links act as Submit buttons.
This code for the background of a black-and repents this code fixed
And you want to change the color only replace the color number
Which is located CODE # 000000 This
Site of colors and color figures

<!-- Codes by Quackit.com -->
<div style="background-color:#000000;width:520px;">
ضع هنا كل روابطك لكى تظهر فوق الخلفيه

This code to put a picture of the background is also Altab
ID fixed all you need is to put a link to image
Place of the word (image link) located CODE
Below a set of photographs and wallpapers and all pictures below Rabottha

<div style="background-image:url(رابط الصوره);

ضع هنا كل روابطك لكى تظهر فوق الخلفيه
ويمكنك التحكم فى الارتفاع من الرقم 999 الموجود فى الكود

<div style="background-image:url(http://img571.imageshack.us/img571/8002/48440377.png);
<IMG SRC="http://img23.imageshack.us/img23/399/24668312.png">
ضع هنا كل روابطك لكى تظهر فوق الخلفيه
ويمكنك التحكم فى الارتفاع من الرقم 999 الموجود فى الكود



<div style="background-image:url(http://img687.imageshack.us/img687/2109/16756866.png);
<IMG SRC="http://img811.imageshack.us/img811/550/96189972.png">
ضع هنا كل روابطك لكى تظهر فوق الخلفيه
ويمكنك التحكم فى الارتفاع من الرقم 999 الموجود فى الكود


FBml + الشرح و الأكوادWelcome

This application of Static HTML

Not much different from the application of the F-BM
But all the codes work on this web application
And not all codes or the FBI are working on

Mobile bar code
  <div align="center">
 <table border="1" width="100%" style="border-collapse: collapse">
 <td class="alt1" colspan="3">
 <font size="2">
 <marquee bgcolor="FFFFCC" direction="right" width="100%"  height="20"direction="right" onmouseover="this.stop()"  onmouseout="this.start()" scrolldelay="0" scrollamount="5">اهلا ومرحبا بكم فى صفحة اف بى ام ال + الشرح والاكواد </marquee></font></b></td>



Code bar news

<iframe width=90% height=50 scrolling=no marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 frameborder=0 src="http://www.biz4all.biz/wnews/jazeera.php%22%3E%3C/iframe>
Code animation
Is is the same code still images
<IMG SRC="http://abbd1990.jeeran.com/mothrka/9.gif">
Code the audio file automatically operating
<object width="520" height="400">
<param name="movie" value="somefilename.swf">
<embed src="رابط الفلاش" width="1" height="1">
Must be along the audio file is S W. F
Even works automatically when you open Altab
Example of the link Flash Drives W. F
Or an example of the entire code with the link
<object width="520" height="400">
<param name="movie" value="somefilename.swf">
<embed src="http://www.up.t-kjool.com/upfiles/G8053474.swf" width="1" height="1">


هذا تطبيق Static HTML

لا يختلف كثيراً عن تطبيق اف بى ام ال
انما كل اكواد الويب تعمل على هذا التطبيق
وليس كل اكواد اف بى ام ال تعمل عليه

كود الشريط المتحرك

  <div align="center">
 <table border="1" width="100%" style="border-collapse: collapse">
 <td class="alt1" colspan="3">
 <font size="2">
 <marquee bgcolor="FFFFCC" direction="right" width="100%"  height="20"direction="right" onmouseover="this.stop()"  onmouseout="this.start()" scrolldelay="0" scrollamount="5">اهلا ومرحبا بكم فى صفحة اف بى ام ال + الشرح والاكواد </marquee></font></b></td>




كود الشريط الاخبارى
<iframe width=90% height=50 scrolling=no marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 frameborder=0 src="http://www.biz4all.biz/wnews/jazeera.php%22%3E%3C/iframe>
كود الصور المتحركه
هو هو نفس كود الصور الثابته
<IMG SRC="http://abbd1990.jeeran.com/mothrka/9.gif">

كود الملف الصوتى تلقائى التشغيل
<object width="520" height="400">
<param name="movie" value="somefilename.swf">
<embed src="رابط الفلاش" width="1" height="1">

لابد ان يكون امتداد الملف الصوتى هو اس دابليو اف
حتى يعمل تلقائى عند فتح التاب
مثال على رابط الفلاش اس دابليو اف
او مثال للكود كامل مع الرابط
<object width="520" height="400">
<param name="movie" value="somefilename.swf">
<embed src="http://www.up.t-kjool.com/upfiles/G8053474.swf" width="1" height="1">

المشاركات الشائعة

إجمالي مرات مشاهدة الصفحة